Jesus-Driven Student Ministry

We believe the best way to help students navigate the challenges of a post-everything culture is to help them build a strong relationship with Jesus Christ - the Lord and Savior of the world.

We encourage students in their life with Jesus by getting them into the Word of God through Bible studies that invite and encourage discussion so that we can discover the truths of the Word and how these truths apply today.

We encourage students in their life with Jesus by helping them cultivate a life of prayer. We want students to know that Jesus asks them to enter into an ongoing conversation with Him. Jesus is sympathetic to their needs and struggles and is the only one who can help them overcome all challenges they face in life.

We encourage students in their life with Jesus by building opportunities to fellowship with their peers and with safe, supportive adults who are all pressing on toward the same goal - life in Jesus.

We encourage students in their life with Jesus by offering and creating opportunities to serve those in need as Jesus serves us in our needs.

Youth Alpha

High school students (grades 9-12) are invited to attend on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of every month at the Wiley's home from 6:00 - 8:00 pm,
with dinner provided.

This study is designed specifically to inspire teens to engage in meaningful discussions about their faith and life’s biggest questions.